A subtly punchy and decent sounding tactile option at an affordable price-point. The tactile bump is pronounced, starts high, and has virtually no pre-travel. The Everglide Oreo switch benefits from lubing and filming to eliminate inconsistencies and improve the overall sound and feel.
Stats and figures are one thing but here are some quotes, thoughts and opinions we've been able to find from across the web regarding these switches.
If you thought Zeal switches weren’t snappy enough but had good tactility, this is the answer.
Here is my 5 cents: Get Everglide Oreo (stock it is sh!t) but after filming and lubing it is close to thocky (housing material play big factor here, and will less thockier than HP), it has sharper tactile feel and it is cheap (i think i bought for $44 for 90 switch on drop).
There’ve been a few mentions that the Everglide Oreos can feel ‘scratchy’ in their stock form. A moderate application of lube, such as Tribosys 3204 or Krytox 205g0 can assist in this regard. Always remember that your mileage, especially with switch lubing, may vary.
The Everglide Oreos will benefit from switch filming. Films such as TX Clear can assist in lowering the wobble and improving the overall sound, which has been regarded as ‘rattly’ due to the looser top housing.